We are the parents and we are united! We will stand together for our rights to raise our children and be the primary authority in their lives. Our children do not belong to the government, the schools or society.
We are our children’s first teachers and their greatest champions. We are the ones who know them, love them and care for them better than anyone else ever will. We are the ones who comfort them in the middle of the night or when they fall; we are the ones who hold their hands during first steps and in the doctor’s waiting rooms; we are the ones who stand on their sports sidelines and by their bedsides.
We will gladly partner with and support those who acknowledge our unalienable right to guide and protect our children, but we will not allow any institution, elected official, administrator, or cultural trend to push us out of our rightful role as THE parents to OUR children.
We will stand together, united, against those who would try to usurp or circumvent our role. Together we will transform the culture to one that respects our fundamental right to protect, guide and advocate for our children.
We are witnessing a radical shift in our country to circumvent the fundamental rights of parents and replace it with state guardianship of our children. For example, we are seeing:
Parents losing custody over medical disagreement
Parents denied access to records after 12 years old
Children receiving psychotherapy without parent’s knowledge
Educators hiding explicit sex ed materials from parents
Parents denied access to school campus and grades
Schools keeping student’s gender identity from parents
Hyper-sexualization of our children in media
Retailers pushing age inappropriate toys and clothes
Parenting magazines promoting child autonomy
Parents United is a non-partisan organization, created to connect ALL parents to solutions, resources, information and most of all, to one another. We know that together we can:
Join our voices to magnify our influence in the culture
Re-establish our authority over our children’s education and medical care
Stand together in our school board meetings and our statehouses
Inform, connect and galvanize others in our sphere of influence
Support those who stand with us and for our children
Hold accountable those who try to usurp our roles
Protect our children so they can flourish
Family: The family is the basic building block and backbone of any thriving society.
Parents: Parents hold the first, and most important, role in the life-long well-being of their children and it is their fundamental right to direct, guide, and make decisions regarding their child’s physical, moral, educational, and medical care.
Children: Children flourish and thrive most under the guidance and care of their parents who love them and know them best, and who will protect their innocence from cultural pressures to grow up too quickly.
Community: Parents should be connected to empower one another and stand united for their fundamental right to be the ultimate authority in their children’s lives.
Unity: Fundamental parental rights transcend political parties, religious or non-religious view. Parents are Moms and Dads first.
Culture: Politics is downstream of culture, therefore parents voices must be magnified to turn the cultural conversation back to protecting fundamental parental rights, which transcend cultural fads, ideological trends and government overreach.